We provide a wide range of dental services and we offer our patients modern methods of dental treatment. Our services in conservative dentistry include:
•         fillings with aesthetic light-cured materials (composites, compomers, glass ionomers, ormocers) or amalgams (the so-called silver filling)
•         restoration of damaged teeth using durable light-cured materials, pins or standard root/crown fillings
•         ultrasonic tartar and plaque removal – skalling with teeth tarnishing
•         treatment of cervical hypersensitivity
•         teeth whitening
•         radiological diagnostics.

We make fillings using materials provided by the world's best manufacturers. To support our treatment, we use a biostimulation laser.
In addition, treatment comfort is improved by the fact that every dental procedure can be performed painlessly.

Wype??nienia wykonujemy materia??ami najlepszych ??wiatowych producentów. Nasze leczenie wspomagamy laserem biostymulacyjnym. Dodatkowo na komfort leczenia wp??ywa fakt, �e ka�dy zabieg stomatologiczny mo�e by?? przeprowadzony bezbole??nie.




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